Two-storey houseNumber of rooms
Total area
1401 ft2
1401 ft2
Bedrooms | 3 | Ground floor | 710 ft2 |
Bathrooms | 1 + 1 | Floor | 691 ft2 |
Living room | 1 | Garage |
274 ft2 |
Do you have a penchant for the straight lines of Scandinavian architecture? If so, this model's for you. The characteristic roof gives off a presence will stand out in the neighbourhood. In addition to its unique aesthetics, this home has a smart interior design. Ideal for 21st-century families, Norvégien has three bedrooms of enviable size, a possible laundry room on the second floor and a full bathroom specifically designed for large families. With such an inviting kitchen, don't be surprised if your guests all gather around the island.
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