Saule III
Semi-detached houseNumber of rooms
4 à 5
4 à 5
Total area
1363 ft2
1363 ft2
Bedrooms | 2 or 3 | Ground floor | 683 ft2 |
Bathrooms | 1 + 1 | Floor | 680 ft2 |
Living room | 1 | Garage | N/D |
Since Saule has proven so successful with its resounding popularity, we're introducing Saule III, which offers an attractive modern exterior architecture and the same well-designed interior layout. The lofty entryway is especially impressive and the abundant windows charm most visitors. Choose between one, two or three bedrooms, depending on your your needs.
The images that appear on our website pages and documents are only examples, and may include features that are not available on some models. Although we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the images and information, errors may occur and offers may change. Please consult our sales teams for complete details and specifications regarding the project, model or offer.